Find affordable and innovative mental treatment from anywhere.

How it works

Radial can help whether you know what you need or you’re just getting started. We’re here to support you on your mental health journey.


Sign up online

Unsure about your mental health or how to find care? Answer a few simple questions and receive support about where to go next.


Meet your care navigator

One of our care navigators will work with you to identify the right next steps in your care journey.


Get matched with a provider

We support you in building and managing a trusted relationship with a doctor, therapist, or whoever is most suited to deliver your care.

Get started
Talk to a care navigator

We believe in transformation,
not just treatment.

At Radial, we see the potential for innovative mental health treatments to fundamentally transform the way we understand and treat mental health. And we also see the necessity to transform our system of care to support access.

We believe in building a customer-first approach to accessing these treatments. We simplify every step of your journey with more purpose and less paperwork. We listen first, and support second. We walk with you step-by-step in a customized, simplified journey with more person and purpose, and less pushing and paperwork.

  • Licensed doctors and therapists
  • Insurance and payment assistance
  • Comprehensive, customer-first care team

Tuesday, Mar 3 at 2:30pm

Ahmed Tahseen
Radial Care Navigator

Ahmed will call your phone number ending in 3829


Comprehensive care for the whole you, rooted in science, customized for your experience.


Under the guidance of trained and licensed therapists, there are many therapy methods (e.g. CBT, DBT, and EMDR) used to find the right ways to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and to help you make positive changes in your life.

Prescription medications

Antidepressants were FDA approved for depression, but used across all mental health disorders, including depression, PTSD, anxiety, and can help in managing related symptoms, or sometimes even improving them. They are not considered curative, but as a short-term treatment while you find a long-term solution related to therapy or your environment.

Psychedelic medicine

Used in controlled settings under the guidance of licensed doctors and therapists, substances like psilocybin, MDMA, LSD, 5-MeO-DMT, and Ibogaine can assist therapy, and potentially help you explore your emotions, thoughts, and past experiences in a profound way. Note: these substances are not yet FDA-approved and are only available in clinical trials and clinical trial expanded access sites.

Mental health is complex. Your path to treatment doesn’t have to be.

Whether you know what you need or you’re just getting started, we’re here to support you on your journey.